Quanto guadagnano i medici nei diversi Paesi del mondo? dal @nytimes [@giovanimedici]

Andrea Silenzi, MD, MPH, PhD

In response to Uwe Reinhardt’s recent post on “rationing” doctors’ salaries, a number of readers wrote in asking about physician compensation in other countries. Doing a direct comparison of remuneration across different countries is tricky because the same salary may allow for different standards of living in different places. But here are two possible ways to think about these comparisons, taken from a 2007 Congressional Research Service report entitled “U.S. Health Care Spending: Comparison with Other OECD Countries.”


Source: Congressional Research Service analysis; see notes in table below

One way to compare cross-country data is to adjust the salaries for purchasing-power parity — that is, adjusting the numbers so that $1,000 of salary buys the same amount of goods and services in every country, providing a general sense of a physician’s standard of living in each nation. These numbers are in the second, fourth and sixth columns of the chart below. They…

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